T & C


Making a booking:
Your online booking is only confirmed when you receive a confirmation email from Perth Chauffeur Company. Bookings are subject to availability.
Payment methods
Perth Chauffeur Company accepts most major credit cards. Cheques are not accepted.
Payment fees
Payments made by credit or debit card are processed using Square Payment system and incur an 2.2% + .30c processing fee of the final fare including GST.
Quoted price
The quoted price is from pick-up location to drop-off destination. Any changes, or additional pick-up or drop-off points in the set route will incur additional charges.
Different rates apply for Public Holidays, Wedding, Special Events (Music Concert etc) and Major Sporting Events.
Late/early surcharge
All transfers between 11pm and 5am incur a 20% surcharge.

Airport arrivals and waiting time:
International arrivals
All International Airport arrival pick-ups incur an additional $25 charge including GST.
The Driver will arrive 30 minutes after landing time at the meeting point. Please advise if you require the driver to be at the meeting point earlier.
If no contact has been made one hour after the landing time, the driver will attempt to make contact with the client. If no contact is made, the No Show policy will apply.

Domestic arrivals
For domestic arrival pick-ups, the driver will be at the meeting point at 30 minutes after landing time If no contact has been made 30 minutes after the landing time, the driver will attempt to make contact with the client. If no contact is made, the No Show policy will apply.

Waiting time
Additional extra waiting time is charged at $2.00/ minute based on the quoted price.

Cancellation policy
Transfers cancelled less than three hours prior to pick- up time will be charged at the full rate of the transfer.
Special event bookings must be cancelled a week prior to the event, failure to do so will incur a charge of the full transfer rate.

No show cancellation fee
If Perth Chauffeur Company is unable to make contact with you, a cancellation fee of the full transfer rate will be charged.
Leaving the pick-up location without notifying Perth Chauffeur Company will result in a No Show charge.
If you experience difficulty locating the driver, please call Perth Chauffeur Company on 0426488480